Thursday, November 22, 2007

Max Caffeine

I had a great experience on my way northward today.

After work I went to lunch and took a walk with Adrien but I was feeling kind of sick and weird. Something will not stop dripping down the back of my throat no matter what i do. I was also tired from kitty cat cavorting in the night and so, irritable from said throat, tossed myself onto my bed, ignoring all the work that needed doing before traveling today.

After a brief nap (10 min? 1 hr? no idea) I got up and proceeded to do what I could to ready myself and my home. Two lights blew out (oh, the poor house-sitter), dishes are not finished (it was dark) but cats were fed, watered and happy. paperwork filled out, and vital things done. The superficial can wait.

After finding my keys, 10 trips packing the car (food? check. kitten? check. bag o stuff? check. computer? check) etc etc....Go to pet store and buy litter, litter pan, and new fancy cat food recommended by pet-sitter. Hurry's time to run thru st-ucks and get on the road. I wanted to leave early. Oh well. Sanity is more important i think.

In the driveway there is no line. i peruse the menu at my leisure, deciding on a large regular coffee as adequate sustenance to make it through the two hour commute tonight.

"Welcome to St-ucks, this is Natalie, what can i get for you tonight?"

hm. i know a natalie. but she's too cool to work at st-ucks. but that voice sounds familiar. So confused I am that I decline milk and sugar. I always use milk and sugar with st-ucks coffee.

Pulling around I am excited to see it is Natalie! The famous and fabulous Natalie of NoShame Fame. And she is excited to see me, too. Her first words are something like, "Wow! It's You! What can I give you for free? Anything you want! Here, have this coffee cake!" And then she sees Max.

You see, Max likes to walk around in the car. It is his "thing". (Well, if a 4 month old kitten can have a "thing", that would be his). Seeing her delight, I jump out of the car, pull out the kitten, and hand him through the st-ucks window (while being respectful of all food handling regulations and sanitation concerns) and Natalie proudly displays him to her co-workers and friends. He handles it with his usual calm, slightly confused and curious demeanor. What a trooper.

Happy, rejuvenated, and thrilled to have had a simple surprise human encounter, I start on my journey.

Oh, but I do make one last stop (i was so BAD) Not only did I go to st-ucks, I drove thru the Christian Chicken place and got a sandwich and a lemonade. I was STARVING and it was right THERE. I am sorry planet, badly raised chickens and people who resent the christian majority, but I had to eat. AND now i have to complement them. The entire drive-thru was completely full - thats F.U.L.L. and it took about 2 minutes to wait, order, pay and leave. I got what I wanted, they were nice, it was good. The lettuce was awesome. Totally impressed.

Anyway, then I zoned out to mediocre comedians all the way to c'ville. It was so nice to come in and see mom and dad and chat with them. It's funny though - they really want to talk and keep asking me questions but I am too tired to be informative and entertaining so I finally had to request relief and television. We will talk it all out tomorrow.

Oh. Mr Max made it safe and sound, alternately sleeping on the back of my neck, on my lap, and on a pillow throne in the back seat. He likes to watch cars and trees go by. What a smarty. Traffic was fine. A little heavy but fine.

Now Max has thoroughly inspected my bedroom and (hopefully) can drum up enough fatigue to get us through the night. He will be here thru late tomorrow, early Friday, and then Apple will cat-sit for a day to get her kitty-cat on.

My parents keep the house at 75 degrees and the only blanket I can find is a winter-thick comforter. Here's hoping I don't sweat away to nothing throughout the night!

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